I used two of the shirts that my husband gave me from and a free template from Pinterest for the case.

I cut out two pieces of fabric and three pieces of interfacing. I tried to make my own bias tape using the dark blue fabric (it was interesting to say the least & a slight fail).

Since the fabric was so similar on the right and wrong side I figured I would mark the wrong side so that I didn’t get confused. My simple ass didn’t realize that it would bleed through UGHHH!!! Also, the logo wasn’t centered which really bothered me. I sewed around the edges and a turned it right side out.


Attaching the dark blue fabric was challenging and looks a little sloppy and check out the logo all awkwardly placed and what not LOL. The purpose behind this d.i.y is to hold my sun glasses while they sit in my car or purse so the imperfections are ok. I will definitely try this again but with fusible fleece to make my life easier.

Let me know if you try this DIY and/or some suggestions that you have in the comment section!

Thanks for stopping by!

with love as always,





Sleeping mask

cost: under 6 dollars. I just had to buy elastic because I used fabric from the DIY headphone case that I made and I purchased some fusible interfacing.

I found the pattern on Pinterest (there’s so many). I cut out two pieces of fabric and two pieces of interfacing to make it thicker. The next time I do this I’m going to uses a silk fabric and thinker fabric/lining for the inside.

Put the elastic on the mask to see how much of an opening is needed then sew it then turned it right side out, I used scissors to help push out the edges.

Let me know if you try this DIY or if you have any suggestions for me in the comment section!

DONE! My husband likes to sleep with the TV on so hopefully this helps!

Thanks for stopping by!

With love as always,
